
Make Reading English Fun!

Explore over 2,500 children's books, quizzes, and interactive features to make reading English fun! Enjoy exciting stories, fact books, and renowned publishers like Oxford University Press, Cricket, and more! You can easily find suitable books with age and reading level categorization. Ages 4 to 12.

A child reads a book from the app

Dive into a world of engaging stories!

Discover over 2,500 captivating children’s books carefully selected to ignite young imaginations. Our award-winning reading platform features renowned publishers like Oxford University Press, Arcturus, Cricket, and many more! The Pickatale library offers a diverse range of stories, factual books, and acclaimed authors, inspiring children to read and learn.

Try 30 days for free

Inspire kids to read and learn

Access to books children enjoy is crucial for fostering a love of reading. With Pickatale, children can delve into a world of thrilling stories, fact books covering a wide variety of genres and topics.

Children also have the freedom to choose their reading experience. They can read independently, listen to narrations, or engage in entertaining quizzes about the books.

5 benefits of using Pickatale

  1. Motivates children to read more
  2. Enhances vocabulary and reading development
  3. Easy for children to use - at all levels
  4. Safe and child-friendly - only content for children
  5. Up to 4 users included in one subscription

See how Pickatale works!

Our books can be read independently, or listened to with highlighted text. Additionally, children can adjust the reading speed and choose to read only plain text, which can be helpful for those learning to read English.

screenshot of phone and tablet

Discover the exciting world of Pickatale

Free for 30 days!
Then just £5.99* a month

*Pricing may differ based on the country you are located in.

Safe use

Pickatale has been developed for children and all content is quality assured for children. Once you're subscribed to one of our pricing plans, no additional costs will be incurred and no indiscriminate products will be added.

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