Teacher dashboard

Pickatale for Schools

The teacher dashboard

Our time-saving dashboard empowers you with actionable insights.

Helping you in the classroom

Accurate live reporting and analytics

Obtain an overview of student reading activity in the last 7 days

Monitor students reading progress

Track last login, the number of books read, and daily reading time in the app

Easily identify who needs more support

Our quiz results and book levels can help you to recognise who is struggling, or who is ahead.

Parents reading with kid

Onboarding your class is super easy!

Our easy tool is simple to get your kids up and reading quickly. Sign-up for free, set up your class in minutes and start the daily reading today.

Learn more about how to get started →

Safe use

Pickatale has been developed for children and all content is quality assured for children. Once you're subscribed to one of our pricing plans, no additional costs will be incurred and no indiscriminate products will be added.

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Pickatale uses cookies on its website. Read more about how we process personal information in our privacy statement.

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