Our carefully curated library has over 2500 fascinating and fun fiction and non-fiction children’s books, and is growing all the time.
Covering a vast range of topics, authors and big brands from around the world as well as exclusive original content.
Our editors track down and create brilliant books to ensure all our library categories offer top-quality reads for every child – whether they want to be whisked away on an adventure, love sports & hobbies, want to explore their health & wellbeing or have dreams of making the next breakthrough in science & technology.
We have a vast collection of picture books from the well-known publisher Oxford University Press. These books are not only engaging for children and visually striking, but also cover topics like sustainability, friendship, imagination and humour. Highlights include Lubna and the Pebble and the Christopher Nibbles series.
Our Pickatale Originals feature unforgettable characters in engaging fiction and non-fiction about everything from friendship and feelings to sustainability and science.
Seeing yourself in the books you read can be life-changing. Challenging underrepresentation and modelling inclusion are at the forefront of our company values and our books.
Pickatale has been developed for children and all content is quality assured for children. Once you're subscribed to one of our pricing plans, no additional costs will be incurred and no indiscriminate products will be added.
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