Our world-class reading platform empowers children aged 3 to 11 to read independently.
Your child is one step away from discovering the joy of reading for pleasure. Our extensive library has been expertly-curated to encourage the development of a passion and voracity for reading that will set your child up for a happier, more productive, and more successful life.
Our books span eight reading levels supported by a detailed framework to ensure that there is something to challenge and develop every young reader; from the book-shy child to the child who stays up all night reading under the covers.
Pickatale is here to support your child in becoming the confident, engaged and enthusiastic independent reader they are destined to be.
We keep you and your students' data safe on our reading platform. We are GDPR compliant and committed to providing a safe and secure reading environment.
For children to consolidate and reflect on what they’ve learned.
Pickatale has been developed for children and all content is quality assured for children. Once you're subscribed to one of our pricing plans, no additional costs will be incurred and no indiscriminate products will be added.
Pickatale uses cookies on its website. Read more about how we process personal information in our privacy statement.