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  • FREE 30 day trial (then £5.99 a month)
  • Multiple device usage



  • Access to over 2.000 high-quality books
  • Hundreds of popular partner books (incl. Disney, Marvel and more)
  • Homework assigment & reading statitistics
  • Book a demo today!

Testimonials School

The app had a wide range of choices and genres of books. It had excellent quizzes, which the children loved!

Hetty Witherspoon
Reception Class Teacher, Ripley Court School

The books on the platform are really good quality and the illustrations are very engaging.

Sian Tranter, Siddington Primary School, Assistant Headteacher

I love the Sustainable Development Goal books, we do a whole curriculum based on the SDGs.

Nikki McGee, Reading Lead, Safa British School, Dubai

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