Pickatale has housed Oxford University Press picture books on its Consumer App for families for over two years now. Due to their popularity and Pickatale’s commitment to the education market, the licensing arrangement has been extended to ensure children in schools all over the world now have the opportunity to access engaging Oxford Children’s books.
This partnership cements yet another win for Pickatale who now house some of the leading publishers’ and children’s brand content in the world.
School libraries are struggling to find funding for children’s books. The Pickatale App offers publishers, schools and families a great way of ensuring every child can access engaging reading and learning content through a fair and affordable subscription. And with a new web-based version due to launch Spring 2023, more schools than ever before will be able to access the exciting Pickatale library.
The evidence reading for pleasure has on a child’s future academic success and well-being is considerable. Pickatale’s current focus is on story time and enjoying reading - the audio functionality ensures that every child can enjoy a book no matter their independent reading level. And for those schools wanting to encourage independent reading practice, there are decodable phonic books linked to the current curriculum as well as levelled readers across 8 Pickatale stages for 4-11 year olds in a range of genres across fiction, non fiction and poetry.
Through harnessing the latest technology and showcasing engaging reading content, Pickatale is committed to tackling the burgeoning national and global literacy crisis highlighted by both Unicef and the National Literacy Trust (see stats below). The Pickatale App not only gives schools access to thousands of quality books, many with enhanced digital reading experiences (including audio, read-along and shortly animation) but continuous advancements in technology mean the Pickatale Teacher Dashboard offer schools meaningful data on every child’s reading habits and progression.
For publishers and children’s media brands keen to showcase their content on the Pickatale app please contact Pickatale’s Chief Content Officer Emily Guille-Marrett: emily.guille-marrett@pickatale.com.
For schools and families interested in the Pickatale App visit www.pickatale.com or contact schools@pickatale.com.
Unicef reported at the end of last year that only a third of 10-year-olds globally are estimated to be able to read and understand a simple written story.
The National Literacy Trust report into the reading habits of 5-8 year olds (2022) highlights the literacy crisis.
The gorgeous and sensitive handling of a refugee story by extraordinary talents Wendy Meddour and Daniel Egneus.
The hilarious and original picture book about what happens when books get out of control.
A creative and enchanting book with great use of both photos and illustrations. A story about the little girl Daisy who loves to draw, and when she doodles something her drawings come to life!
This beautiful story is about the friendship between a girl and a magical sea creature and highlights the importance of kindness, standing up for your beliefs and protecting the environment.
The evergreen learn-to-read series of first experiences tackles sustainability.
Pickatale has been developed for children and all content is quality assured for children. Once you're subscribed to one of our pricing plans, no additional costs will be incurred and no indiscriminate products will be added.
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